Company OPRO CZ k.s.
registered office at Příčná 1735/25, 787 01 Šumperk
ID: 27780040, VAT ID: CZ27780040
registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section AXVIII, Insert 1490
(hereinafter referred to as the "Seller").


This complaint procedure applies exclusively to goods purchased through the online store located at the address The complaint procedure has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the “Civil Code”) and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") and applies to consumer goods (hereinafter referred to as "Goods") for which the buyer's rights from liability for defects (hereinafter referred to as "complaint") are asserted during the warranty period.


  • OPRO CZ is responsible for ensuring that the Goods are free from defects upon receipt. Specifically, the Seller guarantees to the Buyer that at the time of receipt:
    • a. the Goods have the characteristics agreed upon by the parties or, if no agreement has been made, have the characteristics described by the Seller or reasonably expected by the Buyer based on the nature of the Goods or based on advertising;
    • b. the Goods are suitable for the purpose specified by the Seller or for the purpose for which Goods of this type are usually used;
    • c. the Goods correspond in quality or design to the sample or model provided by the Seller before concluding the purchase contract;
    • d. the Goods comply with the requirements of legal regulations.
  • OPRO CZ is not liable for defects:
    • a. for which a discount was provided;
    • b. caused by inappropriate use or normal wear and tear;
    • c. caused by an extraordinary event;
    • d. caused by using the Goods in conditions that do not correspond to normal use;
    • e. after the warranty period has expired;
    • f. caused by unauthorized interference and modifications to the Goods;
    • g. caused by improper cleaning or use contrary to the instructions for use and maintenance.


If a defect occurs with the purchased Goods, the Buyer is entitled to complain about the defect at the time of receipt or during the warranty period.


The Buyer shall submit the complaint by sending the Goods to the Seller’s address: OPRO CZ k.s., Říční 2359, 796 01 Prostějov. The Buyer must provide proof of purchase for the complained Goods – an issued invoice. This document also serves as a warranty card.


  • The right to claim a defect (complaint) must be asserted within 24 months from the date of receipt of the Goods. The complaint must be made without undue delay immediately after the defect has appeared. Any delay in continuing to use the Goods may result in a deepening of the defect and deterioration of the Goods or may make it impossible to objectively assess the real causes of the current condition of the Goods and may be grounds for rejecting the complaint.
  • The Seller is entitled to refuse to accept Goods for complaint that are dirty and do not comply with hygiene regulations and general hygiene principles.
  • The warranty period does not include the time from the submission of the complaint until the Buyer is required to pick up the Goods after the repair is completed.


If the defect is repairable, the Buyer has the right to have it repaired free of charge, properly, and in a timely manner, and the Seller is obliged to remove the defect without undue delay. If this is not disproportionate to the nature of the defect, the Buyer may request the replacement of the Goods or the replacement of a component. If such a procedure is not possible, the Buyer may request a reasonable discount from the price or withdraw from the contract.


  • The complaint resolution period is 30 days from the date the complaint is filed unless the Seller agrees with the customer on a longer period. The period begins at the time of submitting the complaint. The day after the complaint is filed is considered the first day of the 30-day period. If the Seller fails to resolve the complaint within this period, the Buyer may withdraw from the contract or request a reasonable discount.
  • The complaint will be handled by the Seller’s Complaint Department.
  • After receiving the complained Goods, the Buyer will receive a written confirmation of receipt of the Goods for complaint at the email address provided in the Complaint Form for Goods.


This complaint procedure is valid from May 15, 2024, and cancels the validity of previous complaint procedures. The Buyer's rights arising from the law are not affected by this complaint procedure. This complaint procedure is available at OPRO CZ's registered office and on the website